Media Digitisation
Media Pacific Studios can encode files from almost any tape format for storage on physical drives or cloud for archiving, broadcast, social media and streaming platforms. For ageing materials Media Pacific Studios also offers restoration services.
Media Pacific Studios provides digitisation services to a multitude of corporate, archive and individual clients.
Transfers & OTT Delivery
Media Pacific Studios is equipped with industry leading technology and high-speed bandwidth capabilities to facilitate transfers to multiple platforms.
Our technical team is well-versed in receiving, transcoding, and delivering content for numerous social, broadcast, VOD and OTT platforms.
Editing & Creative
Media Pacific Studios uses the latest hardware and software to capture, encode, edit, transcode, and create deliverables for multiple platforms.
Media Pacific Studios is also an Award Winning DVD and Blu-ray authoring house and is fully equipped with the latest Avid, Final Cut, Adobe Creative Suite, Nuendo and Pro Tools software to create whatever client content is required.
Digital Cinema Production
Media Pacific Studios create fully DCI-compliant Digital Cinema Packages and Digital Cinema Distribution Masters (DCDM).
For additional security our DCPs can be encrypted allowing you full control over who plays your content. We also offer re-versioning of your DCPs for localised release, creating multiple language subtitle versions and additional audio streams for the hearing or visually impaired.ABOUT MEDIA PACIFIC STUDIOS
Phill Adam – has over 25 years experience in the broadcast industry, a wide knowledge of Post production workflows, Networking, IT infrastructure and Platform deliveries.
Gary West – specialising in editing, social media preparation, DVD & Blu-Ray authoring and creative services together with niche skills in the digitisation of slides, photographs and negatives.
Mike Solomons – with over 30 years experience in the broadcast industry, networking , IT consulting, Mike brings a vast amount of technical knowledge to the team